Are you looking to buy Sunlu PVA Filament in Australia?
Sunly PolyVinyl Alcohol PVA Filament is a synthetic polymer filament and is best known within the 3D printing community as a support material used with multi-extruder 3D printers. It is resistant to oil as well as grease and solvents and has excellent adhesive properties.
PVA generally works well with PLA filaments since it uses similar printing conditions, including temperature. PLA is a hydrophobic material, meaning it doesn’t “like” water, so if a PLA part is printed with PVA supports, only the supports will dissolve in water leaving the part in perfect condition.
It can take up to 24 hours for PVA to fully dissolve. This process can be accelerated by using warm water, or by agitating the solution every now and then.
PVA Filament Features
- Nonharmful, non-toxic, and environment friendly.
- Easily dissoluble in water under normal temperature.
- Easily stripping.
- Printing temp. is 190~220℃, works better with PLA.
- First layer temp. 195℃
PVA Specifications
- Diameter:1.75/3.0MM
- Tolerance:±0.03MM
- Print Temp.:190-210℃
- Print speed:20-40mm/s
- Net Weight: 0.5KG/roll
- Gross Weight: 0.85KG/roll
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