Are you looking to buy CL-0820-17-11T coreless motor for Latrax Alias in Australia?
The CL-0820-17 "Dark Edition" - The ultimate Alias-Upgrade!
-> Alias motor installation instructions (picture)
performance data:
- speed: 17.000K
- operating voltage: 1.5-3.7V
- 3.2A max. current at 3.7V
- factory lifetime rating 5-6 hours
- can diameter: 8.5mm
- can length: 20mm
- shaft diameter: 1mm
- shaft length: 5mm
- pinion: polymer, 11T
- wire length: 120mm
- weight: 4.9g
- housing: black anodised
Motor rotation and correct polarity is indicated by the wire color:
clockwise: red +, blue -
counter clockwise: white +, black -