Are you looking to buy Clicky-Clack Fridge Door Kit for Voron V2 by LDO Motors CCD in Australia?
Clicky-Clack Fridge Door Kit designed by whopping, a great one piece door makes for smooth and satisfying opening and closing (and clicking!) smoothly and close with nice sound.
This kit comes with a premium Cast Acrylic front panel and all the extrusions and hardware required (no printed parts).
Important Note
Because extrusions were anodized in a different batch than your LDO printer kit there might be a slight variation between color. This is true for all LDO Clicky-Clack Fridge Door Kits sold.
From GitHub
Inspired by Doc's fridge door mod and the EZBake Trident Doom conversion, I set out to design a hinge and latch system that could securely close an extrusion-framed door against 3mm foam tape, while also yielding some satisfying sounds.
This solution is what fit the bill for me. The door opens smoothly, and can be easily removed from the hinges simply by lifting up. The latch mechanism actually draws the door closed against the sealing foam when closed, and clicks shut with the help of some magnets. It makes nice sounds.
For more information please see the GitHub (including STL files)
If you experience any door droop due to the weight of the door, a user has created a mod for it.