3D printing, a cornerstone of modern manufacturing and design, has revolutionised how we create, prototype, and think about the physical construction of objects. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, exploring the ins and outs of 3D printing, from its basic definition to the various materials used, applications, and the inherent pros and cons of its use.

What is 3D printing?

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is the process of creating three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It involves adding material layer by layer to form a physical object. This technology has transformed numerous industries, allowing for more flexibility in design and manufacturing, reducing waste, and lowering production costs.

How does it work?

The 3D printing process can be broken down into three main steps: design, printing, and post-processing. Let’s run through each individually.


The inception of any 3D printed object is its design, conceived in the digital realm. Utilising CAD software, artists and engineers sculpt their ideas into digital 3D models. These models are not just static images but complex files that contain detailed information about the dimensions, shapes, and structure of the intended object.

For those without the means to create a model from scratch, 3D scanning offers an alternative, capturing the geometry of existing objects and converting them into digital replicas. Once complete, the model undergoes a process called slicing, where specialised software divides it into hundreds or thousands of horizontal layers.

This sliced model is then translated into a G-code file, essentially a set of instructions tailored for the 3D printer, guiding it on how to construct the object layer by layer.


With the G-code file ready, the 3D printer takes over. The printing process begins with the machine heating its nozzle and print bed (if applicable) to the correct temperatures for the chosen material. As the printer starts, it extrudes the material through the heated nozzle, laying down the first layer on the print bed.

Successive layers are added, each fusing to the one below, gradually building up the object in a precise choreography of movement and extrusion. The type of material used can vary widely, from thermoplastics like PLA and ABS in FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling) printers to resin in SLA (Stereolithography) printers, and even powdered metal in SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) machines, each offering different properties and finish qualities to the printed object.


The journey from a freshly printed object to a finished product is completed in the post-processing stage. This phase can be as simple as removing the object from the build platform or as involved as extensive cleaning, curing under UV light (for resin prints), or even firing in a kiln (for metal or ceramic prints). Support structures, added during the slicing process to uphold overhangs and undercuts, are removed and the surface is finished. This can involve sanding to smooth out layer lines, painting to add colour, or sealing to protect the surface. Each post-processing step is crucial, transforming the raw, printed object into a polished, functional, or display-worthy piece.

Types of filament

Filaments are to FDM printers what ink is to traditional printers. The most common types include:

  • PLA (Polylactic acid): An eco-friendly, biodegradable material made from renewable resources. It's easy to print with but has lower temperature resistance. PLA is preferred for its low warping, making it ideal for beginners. Its biodegradability also makes it a favourite among environmentally conscious users—but its lower melting point limits its use in high-temperature applications.
  • ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene): Known for its strength and durability. It's more heat-resistant than PLA but can be challenging to print with due to warping. ABS emits fumes during printing, requiring good ventilation. It's popular for applications that require high durability, such as protective gear and automotive parts. ABS can be smoothed with acetone, offering a professional finish to printed objects.
  • TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane): A flexible, rubber-like material that's great for printing items that need to bend or flex. TPU is highly resistant to abrasion and has significant elasticity, making it perfect for phone cases, wearable devices, and other items that require flexibility. Despite its flexibility, TPU prints with a high level of detail and can withstand stress without deforming.
  • PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol): Combines the ease of PLA with the durability of ABS, making it a popular choice for many applications. PETG is resistant to moisture and chemicals, making it suitable for outdoor applications and containers that hold liquids. It offers a glossy finish and is less prone to shrinkage and warping, making it a good choice for large prints. PETG strikes a balance between flexibility and strength, offering more flexibility than PLA and ABS without the elasticity of TPU.

Other types of printing material

Beyond filament-based printers, other 3D printing technologies use different materials:

  • Resin: Used in SLA (Stereolithography) and DLP (Digital Light Processing) printers. Resin printers offer high detail and smooth finishes but at a higher material cost and with more involved post-processing.
  • Metal: Metal 3D printing is used in industrial applications to produce parts directly from metal powder. It's expensive but crucial for producing complex parts in aerospace, automotive, and medical industries.


3D printing has a wide range of applications across various fields. Here are just a few.


Rapid prototyping allows designers to create, test, and refine their designs in a 3D printing accelerates the design process, allowing for rapid iteration and testing. This process is invaluable in industries such as engineering, where product development cycles are greatly accelerated. Printing enables the evaluation of form, fit, and function of the prototypes, reducing the risk of costly errors in mass production.


From custom prosthetics and dental devices to bone grafts and organ models, 3D printing offers customised solutions in healthcare. This technology has been a game-changer in providing patients with bespoke healthcare solutions, significantly improving the fit and functionality of prosthetic limbs. It also plays a crucial role in surgical planning, with 3D-printed anatomical models helping surgeons prepare for complex procedures.

Aerospace and automotive

Both these industries utilise 3D printing for parts that are lighter, stronger, and more complex than those made with traditional manufacturing methods. In aerospace, the ability to produce lightweight components translates to significant fuel savings and efficiency gains. The automotive industry benefits from the rapid prototyping capabilities of 3D printing, speeding up the development of new vehicle models and parts.

Fashion and art

Artists and designers use 3D printing to push the boundaries of creativity, producing intricate jewellery, clothing, and sculptures. This technology allows for the creation of shapes and textures that are impossible to achieve with traditional crafting techniques. In fashion, printing also opens up new possibilities for customisation and sustainability, enabling designers to produce items on demand, thus reducing waste.

Pros vs cons

3D printing brings numerous advantages but also faces limitations.


  • Rapid Prototyping and Development: 3D printing accelerates the design process, allowing for rapid iteration and testing.
  • Customisation: Offers unparalleled flexibility in customising products to meet specific needs.
  • Complexity and Design Freedom: Enables the creation of complex designs that are impossible to achieve with traditional manufacturing methods.
  • Cost-Effective for Small Runs: Reduces the cost and time of tooling for small batch production.


  • Size Limitations: The size of the print is bounded by the size of the 3D printer.
  • Material Limitations: Not all materials can be 3D printed, and some may not meet the required specifications for certain applications.
  • Surface Finish: Post-processing is often necessary to achieve a smooth finish, as the layer-by-layer construction can leave ridges.
  • Strength and Durability: 3D printed parts may not be as strong or durable as those made with traditional manufacturing processes, particularly in the case of filament-based prints.

The bottom line

3D printing has ushered in a new era of manufacturing, offering a blend of speed, efficiency, and creativity. Its broad spectrum of applications—from industrial to personal use—highlights its versatility. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, the world of 3D printing opens up a realm of possibilities. We stock a huge range of 3D printer supplies, kits, and products, so if you’ve caught the printing bug, take a look through our collection. Got a question? Get in touch.