Don't forget to check out a related post called "TX or RX?! Smart Port, Smart Audio, Crossfire, SBUS - I'm so confused?"
EMAX Mini Magnum 2 only has 1 UART/SBUS pad, how can you connect your CH1 and CH2 wires for crossfire?!
The only way with this stack is to wire Crossfire in SBUS mode.
- Wire is up as follows
-positive to positive
-ground to ground
-Channel1 to SBUS (channel 2 isn’t used.) - In your Crossfire Output map, put Output 1 as SBUS
On the BetaFlight Ports, enable serial on the SBUS port and configurations, set receiver to SBUS.
- Setup RSSI by putting LQ to ch 12
- In betaflight then set your RSSI Channel to Aux 8
Also make sure Telemetry is turned on in the configuration tab.